Dear Clients,
We regret to inform you that we must bid you farewell as we are closing our bookstore. We deeply appreciate your trust and support over the years.
Your Serbian Bookstore Team

UNIQUE ITEM – Milorad Pavić


Izdavač: Dereta
Broj strana: 250
Pismo: Latinica
Povez: Mek
Format: 21 cm
Godina izdanja: 2015.


Pisac „Hazarskog rečnika” još jednom je iznašao za vas novu, dosad neviđenu književnu igru: ROMAN-DELTU! To je jedan ljubavni roman protkan detektivskom pričom koja se grana u sto rukavaca i vodi vas ka sto različitih ishodišta. Svaki čitalac bira svoju ličnu verziju romana i svoj posebni svršetak priče. Imaćete UNIKAT!

The author of ″Dictionary of the Khazars″ has once again found a new, as yet unseen form of literary play for you: a tale of love and detective ″multi-ending″ story that diverges into one hundred branches. Every reader chooses his personal version of the novel, and his own ending to the tale. You have a UNIQUE ITEM!