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Your Serbian Bookstore Team

Srpske narodne bajke / Serbian Folk Tales


Starosna grupa:
Školarci: 10–12 god.
Format: 13×20 cm
Broj strana: 72
Pismo: Ćirilica i latinica
Povez: Tvrd
Godina izdanja:
3. septembar 2021.
ISBN: 978-86-521-4123-4


Srpske narodne bajke / Serbian Folk Tales

Zakoračite u čudesan svet srpskog folklora uz ove tri divne narodne priče. Čitajte o devojci koja je bila mudrija od cara, o vladaru koji se stideo svog izgleda i čoveku koji je krenuo u potragu za svojom sudbinom. U ovom ljupko ilustrovanom dvojezičnom izdanju uživaće čitaoci svih uzrasta koji žele da unaprede svoje poznavanje engleskog jezika.

Step into the wonderful world of Serbian folklore with three beautiful folk tales. Read about the girl who was wiser than the king, the emperor who was ashamed of his looks and a man who went on a quest to find his fate. Language learners of all ages who aim to improve their skills will enjoy this charmingly illustrated bilingual edition.