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BITKA ZA BEOGRAD: APRIL 1941 = BATTLE FOR BELGRADE: APRIL 1941 Aleksandar Ognjević , Đorđe Nikolić


Godina 2020;
Tvrd povez
28 cm
599 str.


BITKA ZA BEOGRAD: APRIL 1941 = BATTLE FOR BELGRADE: APRIL 1941 Aleksandar Ognjević , Đorđe Nikolić

Dual Serbian- English language.

The book “Battle for Belgrade – April 1941” by Aleksandar Ognjević and Djordje Nikolić fills a gaping void, which is almost 80 years old. It brings a completely new outlook of these turbulent events from the point of view of the direct participants. The reports from the war commanders, military attachés, unit war diaries, remarks and comments by the politicians and statesmen of the time period, diplomats and journalist, ordinary people, our fellow citizens, are a first rate historical source. For ever

yone that wishes to find and learn more about this important moment in our history, and those who will use the material in this book for their own further research, this book will provide numerous possibilities. Aleksandar Ognjević and Djordje Nikolić are renowned authors specialized in the aviation history, but with this book they surely raise their authority and provide a significant contribution to the study of our national history and the culture of remembrance.

Ova knjiga popunjava jednu zjapeću prazninu, staru gotovo 80 godina. Ona donosi jedan sasvim novi pogled na ove burne događaje, i to od onih koji su bili u prvim redovima u njima. Izveštaji ratnih komandanata, ratni dnevnici jedinica, ocene i komentari političara i državnika toga vremena, diplomata i novinara, običnih ljudi, naših sugrađana, istorijski su izvor prvoga reda. Svakome ko bude želeo da sazna i nauči nešto više o ovom značajnom trenutku naše istorije, ali i onima koji će materijal predstavljen u ovoj knjizi koristiti za dalja istraživanja, ona će pružiti pregršt mogućnosti. Ognjević i Nikolić su afirmisani autori, specijalizovani za istoriju vazduhoplovstva. Ovom knjigom dodatno podižu svoj autorski autoritet i daju značajan doprinos izučavanju naše nacionalne istorije i kulturi sećanja. – Dušan M. Babac