Luka Mičeta

luka micetaLuka Mičeta ( Belgrade , 1959) . He finished the First Belgrade High School . He studied economics at the University of Belgrade .

Journalist since 1980 . He was a commentator and editor of the student newspaper; columnist of Podgorica Pobjeda ; created the first monthly in English The Drum ( B92 ) ; commentator and editor of NIN ; Managing Director of Tanjug .

He published a book Serbs and Democracy (1992 ) , The fate of Bosniaks (1999 ) , Panorama view , concepts and opinions gleaned ( 2001) and Vane Ivanovic between Tito and Draza – Post mind one Yugoslavs (2010 ) .
Luka Mičeta (Beograd, 1959). Završio je Prvu beogradsku gimnaziju. Studirao ekonomiju na Beogradskom univerzitetu.

Novinarstvom se bavi od 1980. godine. Bio je komentator i urednik lista Student; kolumnista podgoričke Pobjede; urednik prvog mesečnika na engleskom jeziku The Drum (B92); komentator i urednik Nin-a; generalni direktor Tanjuga.

Objavio je knjige Srbi i demokratija (1992), Sudbina Bošnjaka (1999), Panorama pogleda, pojmova i mišljenja Adila Zulfikarpašića (2001) i Vane Ivanović između Tita i Draže – Post um jednog Jugoslavena (2010).

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